• November Newsletter

    Posted on November 3, 2013 by in Berry Yo Events As the weather gets chillier Berry Yo heats up! November is upon us and we have a ton of great fall events and specials for everyone including our month long famous Illy Coffee being just $1.00!! You've got to try the pumpkin coffee, it's AMAZING!! The big event for the whole month is our Rolling Meadows Prom 2014 Fundraiser. For the entire month when you mention the fundraiser to the cashier at Berry Yo we will percentage of the sales to these student's 2014 Prom! Berry Yo is helping to make sure that Rolling Meadows has the best Prom ever! We're also proud to announce that we once again will be an official drop spot of Toys For Tots this year. So if you're looking to donate to a great cause this year swing by Berry Yo where we have the collection bin set up and ready to take your toys! Of course we will continue to have delicious, amazing fall yogurt flavors like Pumpkin Pie, Salted Caramel, Butter Pecan, Apple Pie and so much more all season long so stop in and say hello here at Berry Yo!